Lunar New Year - Imlek paper toy by Salazad

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In Indonesia, Chinese New Year is known as ‘Imlek‘ and has become a popular holiday celebrated by all Indonesians, not just the estimated 2.8 million Indonesians of Chinese descent.

Everyone makes an effort to wear new clothes that are predominantly red. The first person one meets and the first words heard are significant. These Ang Pao envelopes are filled with money and given to children and other family members. as to what one’s fortunes will be for the coming year. So, children pai-pai to their parents and wish them “Gong Xi Fa Cai” meaning ‘Wishing you prosperity’.

Parents give their children ang pao, a small red envelope containing money. Ang pao is also given to children of close relatives and unmarried family members after they have wished an elder Happy New Year.

Download and build your own Lunar New Year - Imlek paper toy by Salazad

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