Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by AidaIro. The story revolves around a high school student named Nene Yashiro, who discovers the existence of a supernatural being named Hanako-san in the girls' bathroom on the third floor. Hanako-san, also known as Hanako-kun, is a mischievous and mysterious ghost with a tragic past. Despite his spectral nature, Hanako-kun is not a malevolent spirit, and Nene forms an unlikely friendship with him. Together, they navigate the supernatural mysteries within their school, encountering various apparitions and uncovering secrets along the way. The series blends elements of supernatural, comedy, and drama, offering a unique take on Japanese urban legends and folklore.
The Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun paper toy requires three sheets of paper (two sheets for the box). Watch the assembly video below to follow the steps and obtain the 6-digit password to unlock the PDF template.
Assembly Video and Password
You will see six translucent numbers in the video. The six numbers are your password.A sound effect will be played when the numbers appear.
Download and build your own Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun Paper Toy (by J_Cube).
Builder: Lazarus