Free Aircraft Papercraft Collection: Explore the Skies with Murph's Models

Paper Iconic

 Join Paper Iconic in exploring the free aircraft papercraft collection offered on Murph's Models website. This site specializes in paid papercrafts, primarily focusing on aviation and space themes, and sometimes including vehicles. Fortunately, you can also discover 6 freebie aircraft paper models there, including the Piper Seminole, PZL M-15 Belphegor, Fouga Magister, Magister Fouga FAB Brazil, SAAB J-21, and SAAB J-21.

One standout among them is the PZL M-15 Belphegor. The PZL M-15 Belphegor is a unique agricultural aircraft developed in Poland in the 1970s. Its distinctive feature is the biplane design with a tandem wing configuration. The M-15 is specifically designed for crop dusting and agricultural purposes. What sets it apart is its jet engine, a feature not commonly found in agricultural aircraft.

The M-15 Belphegor, named after a demon in demonology, made its maiden flight in 1973 and is the world's only jet-powered biplane. The jet engine is positioned above the cockpit, providing the necessary thrust for effective crop spraying operations. The aircraft's design allows for efficient maneuverability, making it suitable for navigating agricultural fields.

Despite its unique design and capabilities, the PZL M-15 Belphegor had limited commercial success. Production ceased in the late 1970s, and only a small number of these aircraft were built. Nevertheless, the M-15 remains a fascinating piece of aviation history due to its innovative and unconventional approach to agricultural aviation.

Download and build your own PZL M-15 Belphegor Papercraft & more (by Murph's Models).

Photo: Murph's Models

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