"Gear Fighter Dendoh" is a mecha anime series by Sunrise that aired from 2000 to 2001. The storyline revolves around Earth's defense against the extraterrestrial threat, Galfa. At the heart of this conflict is the formidable robot, Dendoh, renowned for its dual-pilot system, transformative abilities, and a diverse arsenal of weapons.
Dendoh requiring tight coordination between its pilots, Ginga Izumo and Hokuto Kusanagi, for efficient operation. This giant robot showcases versatility through its ability to transform between humanoid and vehicle modes, offering a diverse range of combat strategies. The robot is equipped with an array of weapons, ranging from energy-based attacks to close-quarters combat weapons and strategic tools. Dendoh is a powerful force against the Galfa, and its battles form the core of the mecha action in the series.
A free SD Gear Fighter Dendoh paper model has been released by Cream Bread for several years now. Standing at approximately 25 cm tall, it requires 20 sheets of paper to complete. For readers seeking nostalgia, those unfamiliar with it, or anyone looking for a robot distinct from the machines in the Gundam universe, this is an excellent project worth considering.
Download and build your own SD Gear Fighter Dendoh Papercraft (by Cream Bread).
Builder: 피응