Animal Building Blocks (Chinese Zodiac) paper toys for kids

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 Animal Building Blocks is an inventive educational tool crafted to ignite children's creativity and curiosity during their learning journey. Through Animal Building Blocks, kids can construct a wide array of animals using a variety of blocks, ranging from simple shapes to intricate creatures.

The Animal Building Blocks themed around the 12 Chinese zodiac animals offers a brilliant fusion of paper crafting and creative learning for children. Utilizing basic materials like paper, markers, glue, and colored paper, children can easily and enthusiastically craft the characteristic animals representing each zodiac sign.

As children engage in crafting the zodiac animals from paper, they not only familiarize themselves with the symbols and unique attributes of each zodiac animal but also cultivate creativity and meticulous attention to detail in their crafting endeavors. Additionally, they have the chance to delve into the cultural heritage and traditions of East Asian cultures through crafting and discussing the zodiac animals found in folklore.

Furthermore, crafting paper animals fosters the development of children's spatial reasoning skills, organization, and planning abilities. Whether embarking on individual crafting projects or collaborating to create a painting or a diverse collection of zodiac animals, children are encouraged to explore and express their creativity in meaningful ways.

Created by Japanese designers M.Yukishita and Shino exclusively for the Canon Creative Park, here is a collection of animal paper toys that correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese Zodiac. You can also download other Animal Building Blocks paper toys on the Canon website.

Download and build your own Animal Building Blocks (Chinese Zodiac) paper toys for kid by M.Yukishita & Shino.

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