Beatrice, one of the standout characters in the popular anime series Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World, is beloved not only for her adorable appearance but also for her deep character development. Initially, Beatrice appears as a cold and distant guardian of the library, but over the course of the series, she gradually opens up and reveals her heartfelt emotions, particularly towards the main character Subaru. Beatrice's strength and determination in dangerous situations, combined with her loyalty and hidden feelings, have made her one of the most cherished characters in the series. The contrast between Beatrice's small, cute appearance and her formidable magical powers creates a unique charm that makes viewers adore her.
Pepasweet, a talented designer in the field of paper models, has created a wonderful papercraft project featuring a chibi version of Beatrice. When completed, this model stands 16cm tall and makes an ideal decorative item for any Re:Zero fan. With its adorable design, this project appeals not only to anime enthusiasts but also to those who love papercrafts. The model's template is designed for double-sided printing and requires only three sheets of paper to begin, ensuring the authenticity of every model's detail.
Download and build your own Re:Zero | Chibi Beatrice Papercraft (by Pepasweet).