RX-93 ν Gundam, commonly known as Nu Gundam, is an iconic figure within the Gundam universe. It was conceptualized and piloted by Amuro Ray to engage in combat against Char Aznable's MSN-04 Sazabi. With its advanced Psycho-Frame technology, the RX-93 Nu Gundam possesses formidable combat capabilities. It emerges as a symbol of hope during the Second Neo Zeon War in U.C. 0093, standing as a beacon of resistance against the Sazabi.
Recently, J_cube released the latest papercraft version of RX-93 Nu Gundam, featuring an SD scale. Despite its scaled-down size, Nu Gundam maintains its powerful design, characterized by its predominantly white color scheme with blue accents. The papercraft template spans six sheets of paper and is specifically designed for double-sided printing. Assembly instructions are provided in two accompanying videos.
Download and build your own SD RX-93 Nu Gundam Papercraft (by J_Cube).
Graphic: Paper Iconic.