Tondekeman is a cheerful, talking kettle robot that appears in the anime of the same name, which aired from October 19, 1989, to August 26, 1990. The story begins when Hayato, a football enthusiast, and his girlfriend Yumi, an ambitious musician, visit Dr. Leonard's laboratory. They accidentally activate Tondekeman who transported them many centuries in the past.
In Baghdad, Hayato and Yumi get reunited but they get separated from Tondekeman. They meet Aladdin, Prince Dandarn and Princess Shalala. They also meet the cunning Abdullah who is always ready to kidnap the princess so that he can marry the princess to his master. Our heroes get to go to different places and times and meet several historical and literary figures as they follow Abdullah as he escapes through time to abduct the princess. Hayato and Yumi are stuck in the past until they get Tondekeman from the possession of Abdullah.
Ruymok, a paper model enthusiast from South Korea, has created a paper template for Tondekeman. The PDF template consists of 10 colored pages. This project is suitable for fans of Time Travel Tondekeman who want a unique and interesting way to own a kettle. You can also use the Tondekeman papercraft as a pen holder or to store small items, but be sure not to use it for brewing tea.
Download and build your own Tondekeman Papercraft (by Ruymok).