Shinobu Oshino Papercraft

Paper Iconic

 The main character of today's article is Shinobu Oshino from the Monogatari series. The paper model version is designed by Moemon, standing at 15 cm tall and requiring 6 double-sided prints to complete.

The Monogatari Series is a Japanese light novel series written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by VOFAN. The series is known for its unique narrative style, intricate dialogue, and a blend of various genres, including supernatural, mystery, and romance. The Monogatari Series is characterized by its wordplay, cultural references, and complex storytelling.

The story follows Koyomi Araragi, a high school student who survives a vampire attack and subsequently becomes involved with various oddities, apparitions, and supernatural beings. Throughout the series, Araragi encounters several girls with their own afflictions, and together with his friends, they navigate through the mysteries and challenges posed by these supernatural entities.

One of the prominent characters in the Monogatari Series is Shinobu Oshino. She is a vampire with a long and complex history. Without delving too much into spoilers, Shinobu has undergone various transformations throughout the series, and her character plays a crucial role in the overarching narrative.

Shinobu is often referred to by different names throughout the series, including Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade, which is her full vampire name. Her appearance changes based on the state of her power, ranging from a young girl to a more mature form.

Shinobu's character adds depth to the narrative, exploring themes of loneliness, immortality, and the consequences of one's choices. Her interactions with Araragi and the other characters contribute to the emotional and philosophical aspects of the series.

The Monogatari Series has been adapted into various media, including anime, manga, and audio dramas. The anime adaptation, produced by Shaft and directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, is particularly well-regarded for its unique visual style and faithful adaptation of Nisio Isin's intricate dialogue.

Keep in mind that the Monogatari Series can be quite intricate, and watching or reading it in chronological order may enhance your understanding of the complex narrative.

Download and build your own Shinobu Oshino Papercraft (by Moemon).

Graphic: Paper Iconic
Photo: LightLord, Internet

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