Tiny But Mighty: Mini Cooper S Papercraft

Paper Iconic

 The 1967 Monte Carlo Rally was a David vs. Goliath story. The competition was fierce, with powerful cars from the likes of Ford, Lancia, and Porsche lining up at the starting line. The Mini Cooper S, driven by Finnish driver Rauno Aaltonen and his British co-driver Henry Liddon, was the dark horse of the race.

Precision Driving:

The Monte Carlo Rally was known for its treacherous and unpredictable weather conditions. Drivers had to contend with icy roads, heavy snowfall, and challenging mountain passes. These conditions favored cars with superior traction and handling – precisely where the Mini Cooper S excelled.

Aaltonen and Liddon's performance behind the wheel of the Mini Cooper S was nothing short of spectacular. They navigated the challenging terrain with unmatched precision, exploiting the car's small size and nimbleness to their advantage. Their ability to maintain control in the most challenging conditions left spectators and competitors alike in awe.

As the rally progressed, the Mini Cooper S gradually moved up the ranks, overtaking more powerful rivals. In the end, it wasn't about raw horsepower; it was about strategy, teamwork, and the sheer determination of Aaltonen and Liddon. When they crossed the finish line in first place, it was a historic moment – the first time a British car had ever won the Monte Carlo Rally.


The victory of the Mini Cooper S in the 1967 Monte Carlo Rally is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the underdog. It proved that in motorsport, innovation and skill could triumph over sheer power. This iconic win solidified the Mini Cooper's reputation as a rally legend and a symbol of British engineering excellence.

The miniature Mini Cooper S paper model is compactly contained within a single color print (with an additional color print for the accessories on the roof) crafted by the Japanese artist Ichiyama. The model does not include the interior details. The builder customized the interior and employed mirrored paper for the windows, unleashing their imagination and creativity to craft a truly unique version tailored to their personal style.

Download and build your own Mini Cooper S Monte Carlo Rally 1967 Papercraft (by Ichiyama).

Builder: Lazarus

Photo: Paper Iconic, Internet

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