The RX-78-2 Gundam, the inaugural Gundam mobile suit, stands as an iconic symbol that ushered in a new era in the world of anime and mecha. Its historical importance lies in kickstarting the growth of the Gundam franchise, which laid the foundation for a heritage characterized by innovation and progression. Over time, it has experienced multiple transformations and variations. The RX-78-2 Evolve Gundam is one variation derived from the original RX-78-2 Gundam.
Talking about the SD RX 78-2 Evolve Gundam paper model version in this article, the original work was done by Turbo Labo. You can quickly recognize that by its design style. The final template was revised by Rainman and Jjambbong added versions for smaller sizes (50%, 70%). In original size, the SD RX-78-2 Evolve Gundam papercraft is 34 cm tall.
Upon visiting the download page, you will find supplementary links for viewing assembly process photos. Alternatively, you can watch Lazarus's assembly video below for step-by-step guidance.
Download and build your own SD RX-78-2 Evolve Gundam Papercraft.
Graphic: Paper Iconic
Photo: Jjambbong