The GN-006 Cherudim Gundam is a long-range combat specialist mecha from the second season of Mobile Suit Gundam 00, the successor to the GN-002 Gundam Dynames. Piloted by Lockon Stratos, who assumes the codename Neil Dylandy, this advanced machine boasts a distinctive and sleek appearance that reflects its specialized long-range combat role.
One of the most notable features of the Cherudim Gundam's appearance is its head unit, which sports a distinctive V-fin and a pair of sensors resembling eyes. These sensors play a pivotal role in its long-range sniping capabilities, allowing for precise target acquisition even at significant distances.
Unlike most mobile suits, the Cherudim's feet were designed for stability during shooting rather than walking. This design was made because the Gundams were capable of flight due to the use of GN Particles. Furthermore, the heel parts of Cherudim's feet could tilt downward and be used with the retractable claws in the soles to anchor the Gundam to the ground, improving the mobile suit's. Another unique characteristic of the Cherudim was the location of its GN Drive; instead of being housed in the chest like the third generation Gundams, such as the Dynames, the Cherudim's GN Drive was installed behind its waist. This was done in consideration of the subtle effect on space caused by the topological defect within the GN Drive. This location also enabled a more efficient supply of GN Particles to the wireless, remote-controlled weapons known as GN Shield Bits.
For papercraft oldbie you may have seen this SD GN-006 Cherudim Gundam paper model. But this is still a less popular model and is currently very difficult to find and download anywhere. Today, Paper Iconic is glad to share it with blog readers. The printable template includes 13 pages in color, manuals with pictures, and a PDO file for reference. Dimensions when finished are 22 cm high, 14.4 cm wide, and 16 cm deep.
Download and build your own SD GN-006 Cherudim Gundam papercraft.
Graphic: Paper Iconic