"Suzume no Tojimari" is the latest masterpiece written and directed by the renowned "Sorcerer of Sadness" Makoto Shinkai, following his previous work "Weathering with You" (2019). The film features the voice talents of Nanoka Hara and Hokuto Matsumura, with character design by Masayoshi Tanaka, animation direction by Kenichi Tsuchiya, art direction by Takumi Tanji, and music by Radwimps and Kazuma Jinnouchi.
The story revolves around Suzume Iwato, a 17-year-old girl living in a tranquil town in Kyushu, southwestern Japan. The tale begins when Suzume encounters a young man searching for a mysterious "door." Together, they find an old door in an abandoned house atop a mountain. As if drawn by an unknown force, Suzume reaches out to touch the door, setting off a series of unfortunate events across Japan.
The film takes audiences on a journey across Japan to seal these "unfortunate doors," all the while being an adventure and battle in the modern world as Suzume seeks maturity and freedom. With Makoto Shinkai's signature emotional storytelling, "Suzume" promises to captivate viewers with its enchanting narrative and stunning visuals.
This Suzume papercraft is designed and distributed for free by 桀傲GEO. The paper model consists of 11 sheets, the 12th page is printed behind the first page. Panoramic dimensions are H29 x W35 x D35 cm.
Download and build your own Suzume Iwato papercraft by 桀傲GEO.