Robocar POLI is a popular South Korean animated series that revolves around a group of rescue vehicles with the ability to transform into robots. The show follows the adventures of POLI, a police car and the leader of the team, along with his friends Roy the fire truck, Amber the ambulance, and Heli the helicopter. Together, they form the "Robocar Rescue Team" and work together to protect and serve their community.
Robocar POLI focuses on teaching valuable lessons such as road safety, friendship, and problem-solving skills to young children. Each episode usually presents a different emergency situation or problem that the Robocar Rescue Team needs to resolve, emphasizing teamwork, bravery, and the importance of helping others.
The show gained popularity not only in South Korea but also internationally, and it has been translated into multiple languages. It has garnered a dedicated fanbase among children and parents alike, who appreciate its positive messages, entertaining stories, and colorful characters.
In addition to the animated series, Robocar POLI has expanded into various merchandise, including toys, books, and games, providing children with additional ways to engage with the characters and their adventures.
Download and build your own official Robocar POLI papercraft.